Legal Notice

In compliance with art. 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on information society services and electronic commerce, we inform you that the person responsible for this website is:


C.I.F / N.I.F.: B42514547


PHONE: 611158961

E-MAIL: information @

REGISTRATION DATA: Commercial Registry of the province of Alicante, Volume 4047, Folio 113, Section 8, Sheet A-155731, I/A 1


  1. OBJECT.

These general conditions of use (hereinafter CGU) regulate access and use of the Website under the domain (hereinafter Website), owned by “JAVIVES RESTAURACION, S.L.U. ” (hereinafter LA FONTANA RESTAURANT), made available to users (hereinafter User/s).

If you have any questions or queries related to the use and access of the Website or these CGU, you can contact us through the contact information published in the Legal Notice.


The use of the Website implies full acceptance by the User of the CGU in force at each time the User accesses it. Therefore, if you do not agree with any of the conditions established here, you must refrain from using this Website.

Consequently, the User must carefully read the CGU each time they intend to use the Website.

In any case, RESTAURANTE LA FONTANA reserves the right to modify, without prior notice and at any time, the CGU. Likewise, RESTAURANTE LA FONTANA reserves the right to suspend, interrupt or stop operating the Website at any time.

“Use of the Website” means any User who accesses and browses the Website regardless of whether they complete the registration forms.


Access to the Website and/or the Content included therein does not imply any type of guarantee regarding the suitability of the Website and/or the Content included therein for particular or specific purposes of the Users.

RESTAURANTE LA FONTANA may establish limitations and/or additional conditions for the use and/or access to the Website and/or the Contents, which must be observed by Users in all cases.

3.1- Access and Use of the Website.

Unless otherwise provided, use of the Website will be free of charge, without prejudice to the cost of connection through the corresponding telecommunications network that the User has contracted.

The User acknowledges that he is over eighteen years of age, and is also aware and voluntarily and expressly accepts that the use of the Website is carried out in any case under his sole and exclusive responsibility.

The User undertakes to comply with the CGU, as well as to comply with the special warnings or instructions contained on the Website and to always act in accordance with the law, good customs and the requirements of good faith, using his utmost attention taking into account The nature and consideration of the service you enjoy takes into account. To this end, you will refrain from using the Website in any way that could prevent, damage or deteriorate its normal functioning, the goods or rights of RESTAURANTE LA FONTANA, its suppliers, its distributors, the rest of the Users or in general of any third.

Specifically and without implying any restriction to the obligation assumed by the User in general in accordance with the previous section, the User undertakes to use the Website:

a) Not to introduce, store or disseminate on or from the Website any information or material that is defamatory, libelous, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, pornographic, in support of terrorism, incites violence, or discrimination based on race. , sex, ideology, religion or that in any way violates the manner, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honor, privacy or image of third parties and in general the current regulations.

b) Not to introduce, store or disseminate through the Website any computer program, data, virus, code, or any other electronic or physical instrument or device that is likely to cause damage to the Website, any of the services, or any of the equipment, systems or networks of RESTAURANTE LA FONTANA, of any User, of the Suppliers or Distributors of RESTAURANTE LA FONTANA or in general of any third party, capable of causing any type of alteration or preventing their normal functioning.

c) Not to introduce, store or disseminate through the Website any content that infringes intellectual, industrial or intellectual property regulations.or that we keep them beyond the time necessary when you may need it.


It is the right to withdraw the consent you have provided by checking "I have read and accept the privacy policy" at any time and as specified in the corresponding section "Exercise of rights" or in the specific treatment of commercial communications or Newsletter. It must be taken into account that this right will not take effect if, among other cases, the processing of personal data is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation, the execution and maintenance of a contractual relationship, or for the formulation, exercise or the defense of claims. Likewise, the withdrawal of consent will not have retroactive effects, that is, it will not affect the legality of the treatment based on consent prior to its withdrawal.


It is the right to receive the personal data that concerns you and that you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and to transmit it to another person responsible, as long as: the treatment is based on your consent and is carried out by automated or computer means.


It is the right to oppose the processing of your personal data based on our legitimate interest. We will not continue to process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override your interests, rights and freedoms, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of claims.


If you consider that we treat your personal data incorrectly, you can contact us or you also have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD):


You can exercise your rights by writing to the postal address indicated above or by email at administracion@restauranteLA, attaching in both cases a copy of your NIF/NIE/Passport or similar document.



The personal data requested in each of the specific treatments are adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed, so the principle of data minimization is complied with.

The personal data requested in each of the specific treatments are strictly necessary; refusal to provide them would imply not being able to provide the requested service.

The communications of personal data provided for in each of the specific treatments are in some cases necessary for the execution and maintenance of a contract and in other cases for compliance with a legal obligation applicable to the person responsible for the treatment.


Personal data will be processed to channel requests for information, suggestions and complaints from users or clients.

The legal basis that legitimizes the processing of personal data is express consent by checking “I have read and accept the privacy policy.”

Personal data will be kept for a period of two years from the moment they stop being processed, without prejudice to the exercise of the rights that assist you as an interested party.


Personal data will be processed to manage your online purchases by processing your orders and returns through our online services, send you notifications about the status of delivery or in case of problems with the shipment of the items, manage your payments, manage any complaint or question about the guarantee of products or services, identify you and validate your legal age to contract, as well as for and, where appropriate, the formulation, exercise or defense of claims

The legal basis that legitimizes the processing of personal data is express consent by checking “I have read and accept the privacy policy.”

Personal data will be transferred to the transport company to be able to deliver the order to your home as well as to payment service providers.

Personal data will be kept as long as you do not withdraw consent, unless they must be kept to maintain the relationship between the parties or for the years necessary to comply with legal obligations.

Commercial Communications Form or Newsletter

Personal data will be processed to manage the subscription to our Newsletter, including sending personalized or non-personalized information about our products or services through various means such as telephone, email, SMS, applications for mobile devices, as well as by any procedure. analogous. Must take into accountthat this type of data processing may entail the analysis of your user profile to determine what your preferences are and thus be able to send you information more appropriate to your interests.

You can request cancellation for this type of treatment, depending on the means used, in the following way:

-     Email: Through the link for this purpose that you will find in each of the electronic communications or through a similar procedure specified in the commercial communication.

-       WhatsApp (other apps): Requesting to unsubscribe.

-       SMS: Requesting unsubscription.

The legal basis that legitimizes the processing of personal data is the express consent given: by checking “I have read and accept the privacy policy” on the website, through a physical document or through email, depending on each case.

It must be taken into account that if the medium used is WhatsApp, the personal data will be transferred to WhatsApp Ireland Limited which is located within the EEA.

Personal data will be kept as long as you do not withdraw consent in the manner indicated in this section.

Paseo Amanecer, 1
03730 Jávea
+34 965 790 417
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